Catholic Identity » House Families

House Families


At All Saints Catholic School, we have a unique and enriching house system that every student becomes a part of upon enrollment and remains in until graduation. The houses are modeled after four Catholic virtues: House Fidem (faith), House Amare (love), House Civitas (community), and House Ministerium (service). Each house provides students with a sense of belonging, fostering camaraderie, teamwork, and personal growth. This system allows students to develop strong bonds with their peers and mentors, engage in friendly competitions, and participate in various community service projects, all while embodying and practicing these core virtues throughout their school journey.

What is a House System?

The House System is designed to promote the virtues and ideals of our school community and Catholic faith. This initiative not only helps students get to know their classmates within their grade level but also fosters significant relationships across all grade levels. This year, the focus will be on building each house’s identity, discovering its strengths, and selecting House saints and mottos.


How do Houses work?

  • Structure: We have 4 houses.
  • Assignment: Each student at All Saints will be assigned to a house and will remain with that house for their entire time at the school. Children in the same family will be in the same house.
  • Point System: Students will earn points that contribute to their house’s total. The house with the most points will win the House Cup, awarded at the End of Year Awards Ceremony.

Meeting Schedule

  • Frequency: Houses will meet monthly and during special House events like House Challenges, Meetings, Olympic Day, and more.
  • Activities: monthly meetings, students will:
    • Get to know each other
    • Discuss how they have demonstrated characteristics of their House
    • Discuss the virtue for the upcoming month and saints that emulated that virtue
    • Engage in character and team-building activities
    • Meet with House Deans and House Prefects to share experiences